Driven by innovation and design, CIFF – China International Furniture Fair is a business platform of strategic importance both for the domestic market and for export development; it is the world’s largest furniture fair that represents the entire supply chain, bringing top-tier companies together, promoting new products, ideas, and solutions in order to meet constantly-evolving market needs, and organising events both online and offline, as well as B2B meetings.
Everything you need to know about the staples of mid-century design Features: - Moulded Plywood: real 7 ply-birchwood laminated on cheery, walnut by a palisade - High-density foam covered with PU leather - Smaller buttons - Armrests, filled in metal and foam - Aluminium back connectors and Base - Coming with Ottoman
bentwood furniture, type of furniture made by bending wooden rods into the required shape after they have been heated with steam. Although this method of bending wood was used by makers of the Windsor chair in the 18th century, it was not until the 1840s that its possibilities were exploited fully